Residency Application Support

Personal Statement Review
The ERAS personal statement is your opportunity to tell your story, and set yourself apart from your peers. Program directors review the personal statement to understand who you are, and if you would be the right “fit” for their program.
At Secure The Match, we will help you you brainstorm, draft, revise, and edit your personal statement. We try to understand your story and express it better to bring out your best statement.

ERAS CV Review
Everyone has achievements and accomplishments to discuss, and your CV highlights these accomplishments. How you discuss them determines whether you match.
At Secure The Match, we will help you prepare a curriculum vitae that showcases your professionalism and experiences.

Supplemental ERAS Application
The Supplemental ERAS Application presents a unique opportunity for students to share more about themselves and assist program directors in finding applicants that fit their program.
Let Secure The Match brainstrom, draft and revise your Supplemental ERAS Application.

Application Strategy
With competition for medical residency higher than it has ever been, we at Secure The Match are here to set your application apart with insider advice and guidance, and to ensure you optimize all elements of the residency application process.